So i was laying in the grass taking photos when all of the sudden I felt a mad burning on my arm. Guess what got me? A scorpion. For some reason I was thinking it was the wrong time of year.Having ran a tattoo shop on a foothill I have seen pretty near everything. A pair of huge wild havelina,vultures,rattle snakes,there were scorpians in the shop often.But I always wondered how I would react if I was ever bit by something,I always picture myself screaming over a rattle snake bite. Ive been bit by pythons before but mostly I cried because my feelings were hurt. Wild animals it just seems worse.But it happened and I didnt scream.This is the picture I was taking..
I mostly tried to be cool and act like nothing happened but you cant help but wonder how bad its going to be or how sick your going to get.So far its just burning. I tried to take photos of the sting but its on my forearm on my tattoo so you cant see it. It dropped when I lifted my arm so I couldnt find it to get a picture of it either.My first thought after oww was damn too bad I didnt get a picture of it on me lol then my second thought was "i need paul" :(
But today is almost over thank heavens and tomarrow we are going to my mothers for dinner and next weekend I will be in San Diego with my best friend of 20 yrs and Paul.sigh