Today I finally broke down and got pain medication for my shoulder to hold me over until I see my o.s on Monday to see what we are going to do about it.I normally dont even take tylenol or anything. i hate taking pills and I live in an area where you can just pop over the border and get any pills you want without a script so I see alot of people with pill taking addictions and it scares me.I also have a very high tolerance for pain,Ive had my tongue split 3 inches back with nothing what so ever to numb it and then maintained it by cutting it back for a year after with nothing for pain.Ive also had pretty near my entire forhead tattooed and that my friends is like someone engraving your skull.So anyway back to the point,I have a very high tolerance for pain and if its something I cant take then I imagine it must be pretty painful.So with my pill popping phobia I told the nurse I was afraid of getting addicted to something and I also cant be sleeping all the time. I just want to be able to sew and not feel like Im getting stabbed every minute of the day.So they gave me something and reassured me it was very light..Ok they were right. It is very light now Im in extreme pain and loopy.So my question is do painkillers take away the pain or do they just make you loopy enough you dont care?If im going to just be loaded and miserable im just going to leave it at this and suffer thru.
In case your a new reader I recently went in for a check up after over 5 years of not going to the dr at all and was found to have extremely low platelets and have gone to countless drs appts to find out why and hae been frightened with everything from leukemia to hiv (they were just sure i had hiv because im tattooed) only to find out its none of the above . So to have this happen to my arm after all this other medical crap just makes me miserable. So I dunno, to drug it or not to drug it that is the question.
On a brighter note after going thru a week of having it 100 degrees in my house they came and put the new ac in today!!! Of course its not hot today either,its only in the 80s but at least I have it for the future.Iam so happy about that.They had to bring a crane to put it on top of the condo.I shouldve taken pictures but I forgot.
Tomarrow is 24 hrs of flickr whih I signed up for and today Im in a panic that I will not have anything interesting enough to add.I mostly plan to lay on the couch and sew when I can. not too interesting.
Jessie wants me to post in my blog some of my favorite things and Im pretty sure I would do anything for jessie so here goes in no special order..
any seeds because im moving into a new house in san diego this summer
pieces of rusty broken metal
red and aqua
ricrac and buttons
vintage fabric
anything with sugar of course
embroidery stuff
and flowers in anyway and every kind.
Hey jesse I was just looking at your painting and noticed all the birdhouse gourds,we used to make those as a kid.
so now im also hunting out gourds or gourd seeds!
hmm ok thats all I can think of.Im pretty sure if my arm would stop hurting I would love everything I see. haha.