You probably wouldnt know it by looking at me because Iam always either barefoot or in flipflops but I have a serious shoe problem,nothing gives me a bigger kick than shoe shopping.Im not ever happy with normal shoes either.I have a pair of pink kitty boots in my closet that I couldnt find anywhere in the United States and then I had to call all over England to find a place that had a pair.That was a year ago and I still havent worn them,Im still in search of the "perfect" outfit to wear with them.And then there was my elf toed irregular choice shoes that had the pink binky on them and heart shaped heels.My heart still beats fast when I think of those shoes.Well today
Emily got me startd on a
new addiction.(I just love Emilys style,I would love to have her wardrobe.)
I probably wont be happy until I get these shoes,keep an eye out on etsy because I will be selling things on there I dont really want to get rid of.

so far they arent out of sz 9,they are out of sz 11 and 6.5 which I thought was interesting...
But then I found these


and these

but I think these just scream my name so after the birds I want these,hopefully they will be on sale by then.

this makes my heart sing

Iam seriously thinking about trying to get a job there in hopes of a discount. :)