Yesterday was the last day of school.Shyloh won an award yesterday at her 6th grade graduation(this is the first year i had heard of that) for outstanding physical education.I dont think I was blogging at the time but she placed first in every event but one this year.She didnt know she was getting it but her teacher had called me the night before. It was all I could do not to say anything and I did call her karate instructor to let him know.She totally didnt expect me to be there.When I walked in all the kids were saying "hi shylohs mom" and the look of shock on her face was priceless. Its always funny when I go to school because they cant help but stare at me,they are kids, so I always smile and try to let them know Im not a monster.The parents on the other hand, for the most part, have a look of fear or disgust.I think they relax once they see the kids love me though. When the kids were little I was a teachers aide so I kinda have a way with kids and school. I love it.
Mariahiesha scored all 99 and 98% on her finals and Eli graduates next week (and turned 18 yesterday!) so we are all happy on the school front.I love it when school is out because I dont have to worry about what is happening to them to and from. Thats always a nightmare here. last week a 14 yr old boy was shot not far from here,at random,he was just walking.all of that really sucks since everyone is still recovering from the serial sniper we had around here last year.(this after my ex husband,kids and i went thru the dc sniper ordeal) (watchout sandiego it follows me)
But anyway i was thinking yesterday that yesterday was pretty much the last day of our old life.Ive been saying all year when school gets out we are moving to San Diego. Well,here we go.Its no longer some surreal event that may or maynot happens to us in the distant future.Its time to start seriously packing,going thru things,preparing.Its a really strange overwhelming feeling.
But on a lighter note,I now understand why Hilary didnt talk alot about what its like to look for new house and all that goes with it.geeshhhh and I wont tell you either because it might keep you where you are at. ;)
Im watching the news right now and they just closed an elementary school here in the phoenix area because there was a horrible smell in the school and it turned out the smell was from a body,on the roof.can you say time to leave?lol