let me start off by saying. i mostly hate doritos. once in awhile i like the salsa verde ones with lemon squeezed all over them. i learned that from a cute little mexican lady i used to work with at the assisted living home.i didnt understand anything she said but she taught me how to eat! normally im a plain old fashioned chip girl. no flavors just potato goodness. or once in awhile sea salt and malt vinegar chips. but thats it. id rather keel over than to eat regular doritos. well then today it happened. i was getting groceries and seen these. i thought it would be a fun thing for the kids to try. and try them we did. OH I CANT TELL YOU HOW HAPPY IAM! cheeseburger chips! and like my daughter said,its not like the other chips where they are like a flavored chip. you know a chip with taco flavoring or something like that. hello people it will give you a willy wonka amazing gobstopper flashback even though youve never been there! you can taste dill you can taste cheeseburger and i really think you can taste ketchup! but not in a bad way like youd think! oh joy of joys!! and not only that doritos is putting out an american flavor!it says on the bag "all american flavor" yay!!!!!i dunno maybe im silly but i think its great.the very idea of is it great but the fact that it tastes good too makes it even better.. what next... fried chicken flavor?????? oooo ooo oo how about apple pie flavor potato chips? ok never mind.