(photo is of a butter cow from the iowa state fair,im homesick this week)
Ok,let me just tell you,and pardon my french right now but I just have to say it...my kids have lost their damn minds.Well the 3 left at home anyway and Im afraid to talk to the oldest one for fear he has lost his too.Granted I have a boyfriend but hes living in San Diego and Iam here in Az til the end of the summer. So Iam a single parent.These kids I dunno,Im not sure if its because the heat has kicked up here and its been 100 everyday or if its because the last day of school is next week but I swear not a one of these usually bright children have a brain to their heads.If I told you you wouldnt even believe.... lord how I miss the days where I was once again a single parent and all 4 of them were little and making messes and biting each other and pooping their diapers all at once. i would live a lifetime of those days in exchange for the nightmare that is parenting teenagers nowdays.Dont get me wrong, people who have been around my kids will tell you they are very sweet kind respectful kids,that was always my biggest thing and I have accomplished that but today Iam wondering if a one of them has a lick of common sense in their head.This isnt a normal occurance,its just been the last 2 days,spring fever maybe? This summer is a big summer for us,Eli is graduating highschool (with great grades i might add) and turning 18 next week,a few short weeks after that Mariahiesha is turning sweet 16,a few weeks after that,my oldest Noah is turning the dreaded 21,a few weeks after that my youngest Shyloh is turning....god forbid..13. all monumental birthdays all in the same year all a week or so apart. I didnt even plan that. And when all that is said and done we are packing up and starting a new life in San Diego,that is if I make it thru this new craziness. TEENAGERS UGH!!! IM RUNNING AWAY! WHOSE WITH ME???

Courthouse where I used to sneak off and meet my first boyfriend Tracy,who I havent seen in 19 yrs and called me out of the blue yesterday.Its really strange how much becoming "citified" has changed me.lolAnd old really old..Dont get any ideas mariah!!!!