I realized today that i have a bit of blog fright. I have a long list of blogs that I like to read often if not daily. (will add links soon) I find their lives ,colorful, and very interesting. My life... not so much and I always feel like I should have something meaningful to say or not ay anything at all. Soooo....here Iam with yet another lonely empty blog.
I will try harder.... promise.
So, this weekend Paul came to visit and it was a very nice uneventful visit except one thing.... and this is where I learned a lesson that I will pass onto you.Come here,closer....I dont really want anyone to hear...its kind of embarassing...
Im moving to San Diego this summer and to cut down on the cost of moving I plan on leaving alot of things behind. Mostly furniture. So when my last kitchen chair broke I didnt replace,I waited and when I found what seemed like a nice set of patio chairs by the dumpster I thanked the dumpster gods and brought them home. Well,do you wonder why someone would put nice patio chairs in the dumpster? I didnt.I should have. When the first 3 broke on my teeny daughter Mariah.I didnt think too much about it. All that happened was her bottom dropped a little and I would tease her that she was eating too many cookies. the last one looked fine....yup. To someone who needs glasses. So the other night I was sitting in the chair at the computer and was showing Paul some fantastic artist I found and the next thing I know Im looking straight up at
the ceiling and pauls taking pictures.(i do not yet have the courage to show these pictures lol)
I had pretty near brought everything on the table down on me.
im not a little girl either.
I have a stone floor.
I landed on my elbow.
I have spent the last couple days trying to decide if Iam being my typical drama queen self or if I should go to the dr.Im thinking it must be jammed like a finger as it hurts clear up to my shoulder. Given my health background I shouldnt be such a wuss and go but on the other hand considering my background in health...lol I figure I will give it a couple days and see.
But yeah..be careful with dumpster chairs.... :)
On a good note I can sew one armed.... updated the shop today and have more tomarrow. :)