Mondays used to be my favorite days because I would be so worn out from tattooing and running the shop over the weekend but now that Im not tattooing and it's just the kids and I I adore weekends. From the time my kids leave for school until about 11 I feel anxious that something happened to them on the way to school. I figure by 11 the school wouldve called if they didnt make it.I blame this anxiety on the school calling me and telling me my daughter wasnt there when she really was.My kids arent school skippers so if they arent there without my knowledge I know its something bad.The school let me go 2 hours in complete panic and terror until they realized they called the wrong parent. Its like a big sigh of relief when the last one comes home on friday and then I have a tendency to not answer my phone and try to keep them home all weekend. I love it. Being teenagers they probably dont,and dont get me wrong I do let them out but when I do i go thru the same panic as I do during the week and I have a tendency to call and check on them repeatedly. My oldest still in the house is going to be 18 in a few weeks so I work really hard not to hold him hostage but its an effort believe me. This weekend I plan to put the sewing machine away and work on drawing. Paul brought me an illustrator program last weekend and Im determined to learn how to use it. I spend alot of time looking at illustrators blogs in envy. Learning to tattoo the old school way,all of my art has a a thick black outline around it I keep telling everyone how I wish to do art with no outlines. or at least have it appear to have no outlines.....Ok I think Ive rambled on sufficently. The photo above is a birdbath pincushion Im working on. i made them so they can hold things too. My house is being overrun by chenille birds of all shapes and sizes that Im saving for future projects but I thought it would be fun to finish these up and put them in etsy. Anyway have a good weekend all!